Friday, July 18, 2014

Wild As Hell

Let's get crazy, I just got my rabies shot!

Why not?


It's all getting shaggy around here right now.  The dog days are here. A good time to work inside.

The fences can wait until fall, the weeds can have their season. No use fighting it.

It's all wild as hell around here... that's the way we like it.

Tomatoes still trying to make it to maturity. There are so many varieties I don't have a clue which one's these are.

The cherry tomatoes are nearly done. Done as in finished, no more. Damn good though.
The eggplants weren't as promising as they might have been initially but for whatever reason they've taken off and should be ready soon.

Gigantic moons and the incessant chirping of cicadas, that's probably what makes the vegetables grow...maybe.

Summer's got it's own soundtrack. It's the one I like. Feet rough as sandpaper, farmer's tan, liver hanging by a thread.

Waiting on the fall..

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tomato Factory

Here's the tomato factory that was once our deck. I haven't counted the number of pots there are but over twenty I believe.

The cherry tomatoes have been going strong for a while and they are very tasty. The others are still small so we haven't been able to sample them yet.

There are some other tomatoes in various places throughout the yard and I have found two tomato worms on those already. The container garden seems to be all but pest free. But, they need to be ridded of suckers nearly daily whereas the ones in the real earth don't seem to sucker hardly at all.

Listada di Gandia
There is some eggplant that is coming along decently as well. I am not sure which variety it is however. I believe it is an Asian variety, I will have to check the seeds and find out. It's nice and hot now (90's) and the tomatoes really do love it. Quite a bit more watering but they seem quite happy with the heat.

No it's an Italian variety.